Electric motorcycle?

Being two wheeled vehicles powered by a motor and having no pedals they’re undeniably motorcycles. But the rider and ownership experiences of emotos are different to those of gas bikes. And as with every purchasing choice there are pros and cons.


Fuel - charge at home for as little as 1 cent per km. Some public chargers are free.

Maintenance - basically none, just consumables like tyres.

Simplicity - no clutch, no gears, impossible to stall.

Safety - predictable throttle response every time (see also simplicity).

Reliability - extreme, the motor has 1 moving part which rotates and is supported by bearings.

Performance - instant relentless torque. 100 kph in 2.6 seconds and on to 250 kph.

Noise - lack of.


Range - 200 km at highway speeds, 400 km around town.

Refueling - 80% charge in 30 minutes using public CCS chargers.

Cost - emoto are more expensive than gas bikes to buy, but much much cheaper to run.

Noise - lack of.

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